Sunday, December 21, 2014

Famous Idaho Potato Bowl

Hello Boise, starring McLean Stevenson!  Back in the potato capital of the world for the fourth game of this day.  With chives, no less.

Air Force vs. Western Michigan

Nice year for both teams - the Falcons winning the Commander in Chief trophy while improving from 2-10 to 9-3 this season.  Same for the Broncos, a seven game swing from 1-11 to 8-4.  Good on you, but no one cares - take a look at the stands.

But you gotta do what you gotta do so I watched most of the first half of this one.  Little scoring in the first quarter as the teams had to get used to the rain.  Air Force picked up the pace in the second and took a 20-10 lead to half time.

The Air Force's ground attack was the difference here, with Shayne Devern racking up 101 yards and two touchdowns, named the game's MVP.

Western did make a game of it in the fourth, getting the score to 23-17 but then fumbled on their next possession, resulting in an Air Force scoop and score and the game.

Air Force 38  Western Michigan 24


-The NCAA needs to do away with non-green fields.  The Air Force used the field to their advantage and wore this uniform combo.

 Cheeky those Falcons, it was camouflage!  They blended right into Boise State's blue smurf turf.  If blue turf isn't bad enough, Eastern Washington plays on a red rug and Eastern Michigan's turf is gray.  What next, plaid at SMU?  Enough already. It's bad enough we have to deal with teams changing their uniforms every week, but seeing them play on samples from Buddy's Carpet Barn is messing with my eyes.

-And speaking of terrible uniform combinations:

 What in the hell is this combo, Western Michigan's tribute to the russet potato?  I kept thinking there was something wrong with my TV. There will be no uglier combo of uniforms.

-What did I eat:  Nothing, I was drowning my sorrows after Michigan State's putrid loss to Texas Southern in basketball.  Hello NIT!

-Player swag:  They could have used rain gear.  Players got a backpack, winter coat, hat and gloves.

This game needs to go but I guess if Big Potato wants a bowl game, they get a bowl game.

 I did pick Air Force to win, so my record climbs to 4-0.  On to the fifth and final game of the day, the new Camellia Bowl.

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