Thursday, December 25, 2014

Hawai'i Bowl

Can Aloha Stadium possibly be more empty than the Popeye's bowl stadium in the Bahamas?  Yeah, it's pretty empty on Christmas Eve.
Sheraton is still named as the sponsor on the game's website but they're missing from the logo - must have decided to cut back their funding with only a couple thousand people in the stands and only losers like me watching at home.

Fresno State vs. Rice

Fresno and Rice - sounds like another cop or lawyer show on TNT.  "Fresno and Rice, right after episodes of Rizzoli and Isles and then Franklin and Bash."

I only watched the required one live quarter and the family demanded we do something else so we watched Guardians of the Galaxy.  Good choice, this one was not much of a contest.

Rice quarterback Driphus Jackson threw two touchdowns within a span of 19 seconds at the end of the quarter and that was all she wrote so I really didn't miss much.

Rice 30  Fresno State 6


-If somebody's looking for a late Christmas gift for me, I'll take one of these shirts that was part of the player's swag bag.
 I picked Rice, so my bowl record improves to 9-1.

That's that, short post, it's Christmas morning. No games today (obviously), three tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Don't know if you can get that exact shirt, but you can browse for others here:
