Monday, December 22, 2014

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

So, to catch my breath after the exhilarating Miami Beach Bowl, the only logical choice is our annual family viewing of Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.

What in the hell exactly was going on in this special?

Fred Astaire, as the mail man narrator, was opening people's letters.  That's a federal crime brother.

People just dropping off a baby at a home filled with elves. There wasn't one better home to drop off your unwanted child?  Or maybe his parents were killed by the tyrant Burgermeister Meisterburger. 

The Kringle elves had a terrible business plan.  They kept making toys to be delivered to a town that specifically forbid toys. Enterprising elves would have made socks.

The horrible Winter Warlock crumbled when given a toy train.  Good Lord, that's one weak warlock.  Thankfully he held on to that magic feed corn.

Santa gains weight rapidly in all these specials. Like, 100 pounds in a couple days. I'd keep an eye on Mrs. Claus, she's after that insurance money.

Did you know ABC cuts out a couple of the horrible songs from the show while ABC Family cuts out the scene where the Burgermeister burns the toys in fear children will be traumatized?  I prefer if they burned the song Jessica sings.

Well, show's over, getting ready for Monday Night Football.  Let's see how the Bengals crap the bed in prime time again.

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