Saturday, December 20, 2014

R&L Carriers New Orleans Bowl

And here we go.  The first of 39 games in this year's BowlQuest and the first of five games today.  Games two and three overlap so I can't watch all five games in total, which is probably a good thing.

University of Nevada vs. University of Louisiana Lafayette

ESPN started this one at 11am Eastern, 10am local time in New Orleans and 8am for Nevada fans.  This has normally been the nightcap of day one bowl games, now its the opener. It turns out when you play a game in the morning, the crowd is not robust.  The scheduling probably had something to do with a Saints game being played in the Super Dome Sunday.

UL-Lafayette should just add in tickets to this game to their season ticket package, this is their fourth straight year playing in it.

Las Vegas promised a shoot-out, both teams averaging over 30 points per game, the O/U at 63.5.  Wrong. Nevada lacked any offensive punch - not surprising for a team playing at what is essentially 8am for them.

Nice start for UL-Lafayette quarterback Terrance Broadway, making 14 straight completions to begin a game, a new NCAA bowl game record.  The Ragin' Cajuns had no problem moving the ball between the 20's but couldn't get into the end zone.  Didn't matter, with Nevada leaving the offense in Reno, 16 points was enough.

UL-Lafayette 16  Nevada 3

Game notes:
-This was Mack Brown's first game as the color guy and he did a really nice job. Good insight, but unfortunately he will be replaced by Matt Millen in the other games called by play-by-play guy Bob Wischusen.  Long time BowlQuest followers know of my disdain for Millen.

-Ragin' Santa was at the game.

 Mrs. Harriet Tuttlesworth behind Santa probably wishes she was sitting elsewhere.

-ESPN debuted its new box score.  Not sure if I'm a fan,  It does free up screen space.

-What did I eat during the game?  I ordered two Papa John's pizzas with a 50% code I found online.  Now I remember why we always order Marco's for delivery.  Papa's gone cheap - toppings and cheese were kind of flat and there is now only one pepperoncini in the box.  Come on Papa, give us two peppers per pie you cheapskate.

-Player swag.  Papa John must be in charge, players only get a Fossil watch.

I'm back in my usual bowl pool with a group of guys in Iowa.  I took the Ragin' Cajuns, so I'm off to a good start.

Next game up, Gildan New Mexico Bowl.


  1. Papa John is well-known to be a cheapskate except when it comes to himself. Haven'r ordered a poor substitute for pizza from them in years.

    1. Yeah, haven't had a PJ's pizza in years. The 50% off code suckered me in.
