Wednesday, December 24, 2014

San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl

As always, the longest name for a game in BowlQuest.  Second of two games on Tuesday and our second floral titled game of the season.

We don't have a poinsettia plant this year, which is not a loss.  They usually fade pretty fast and we're forever picking up the leaves (petals?) every day.  There are also the annual TV news warnings about poinsettias being dangerous to dogs. Calm down anchor lady.  The ASPCA says the toxicity of poinsettias to dogs is overrated.

 By the way, there is a drink called the Wilted Poinsettia, might have to try it.
  • 2 oz bourbon
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup
  • 1/2 oz Campari
  • several sprigs mint
  • garnish with Luxardo cherry

Navy vs. San Diego State

These teams play in this game a lot, and for good reason, there are several naval bases around San Diego and this is the Aztecs home field.  Fill up that stadium!

This game was our first turnover filled contest.  There are usually a lot of them during the bowl season. Who knows why - maybe its teams with long layoffs, bad weather, a little too much fun at the pregame festivities. Navy had an uncharacteristic four fumbles but managed to have the ball last for a game winning field goal thanks to a 4th and 1 carry for 13 yards by Chris Swain.

I watched the first half but called it a night about midway through the third quarter.  This was not a well played game nor exciting despite the close score. 

Navy 17  SDSU 16


-San Diego State should probably have won the game but failed to take advantage of the four Navy turnovers.  They Aztecs only managed six points on those TO's.  Not good.

-Navy's mascot is a ram, and they brought some rams-to-be along.  Awwww...

-What did I eat:  Two homemade chocolate chip cookies.  Mrs. Keith seems to have gone a little heavy on the dough and light on the chips.  Still pretty good. 

-Player swag:  Nice, $395 Best Buy gift card, cap.  

-My pick:  Navy, figured it would be a low scoring game with run oriented teams.  7-1 so far. 

Two games Wednesday - Popeye's Bahamas Bowl and the Hawai'i Bowl.  Merry Christmas Eve!

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